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Deer Processing​​​

$120 Fee. $60.00 deposit required.

Deposit is due at the time the deer is dropped off for processing.

  • Cut, vacuum packaged, and frozen to your specifications.

  • This basic processing charge does not include the grinding of any trimmings for burger or sausage.

  • We will not accept deer that have been fully or partially skinned.

  • There is a $25 charge to cape out your deer.

Fully Cooked Sausages

Priced per pound of finished product

Snack Sticks🏆  $5.00

Snack Sticks with Cheese  $5.50

Hot Snack Sticks  $5.00

Jalapeño Snack Sticks  $5.00

Jalapeño & Cheese Snack Sticks🏆  $5.50

Honey BBQ Snack Sticks🏆  $5.50

Cranberry & Cheese Snack Sticks🏆  $5.50

Summer Sausage 🏆  $4.00

Summer Sausage with Cheese  $4.75

Jalapeño & Cheese Summer Sausage 🏆  $4.75

Sweet & Smoky Summer Sausage 🏆  $4.75

German-Style Bologna  $3.25

German-Style Bologna with Cheese  $3.75

German-Style Jalapeño & Cheese Bologna  $3.75

Smoked Sausage  $3.25

Cheddarwurst  $4.00

Cheddarpeño Sausage  $4.00

Andouille  $4.00

Deli-Style Venison Weiners🏆  $3.50

Specialty Products

Priced per pound of finished product

Venison BBQ  $3.25

Venison Jerky  $12.00

Venison Ham  $3.25

Venison Pastrami  $4.75

Venison Bacon  $4.25

Fresh Sausages

Priced per pound of finished product

Bratwurst  $3.00

Spicy Italian Sausage $3.00

Sweet Italian Sausage $3.00

Breakfast Sausage  $2.75

Breakfast Sausage Links  $3.50

Ground Venison

Priced per pound of finished product

Ground Venison  $1.50

Ground Venison No Fat Added  $1.25

🏆 Denotes Award-Winning Product

Click here to learn more about our products.

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